Sunday the 17th of November was another successful Road Safety Day for Suzuki at Redstar Raceway. Riders of all shapes, sizes and motorcycle brands got together to share the love about road safety.
By now, you know the drill – everyone gets a chance to get signed in, then it is off to the training centre for the classroom session. No tests to write but it’s always interesting.Â
The classroom is where everybody learns about the things you need to know to stay safe. Things like, where is best to ride on the road, safe following distance, how to observe your surroundings, how to look through a corner and much more…
The classroom session.
Riders are then divided into groups according to their riding experience, Group B is for the faster, more experienced riders, Group C is for the riders that have been on the track a few times before and are still working on getting faster.Â
Group D is for the riders that might have been on the track once or twice and are still learning the basics. Depending on numbers, there is sometimes a group E.
All classes are there for the riders to learn and build confidence.
                           All riders and all bikes are welcome.
Suzuki Instructors assist the riders through the day.Â
They are also on track to show the riders the best lines to take.
The Suzuki Road Safety Day is something that all riders should do at least once – we guarantee you’ll learn something!
                                  Suzuki Instructors .
Suzuki allows all makes and models of bikes to join in on the day.
The day is hosted in a controlled environment and includes track marshals and medics.Â
You can also do pillion rides either with a friend or partner or you can pillion with one of the experienced Suzuki Instructors.
                                     Pillion rides.
It’s a lot of fun, chat to your Suzuki dealer or hop on to their website to catch the next one.