If you were one of those spandex clad peeps sweating your way through JHB and surrounds on Sunday the 17th of November, you might have noticed a horde of much happier looking people on motorcycles…
A great crowd gathered at the start and headed out on the pre-planned routes.
That horde had left Bikeshop Rivonia and were on their way to Magaliesberg and beyond on the first annual Carbon Cover Breakfast run, put together to launch Terry Terblanche’s Carbon Cover Insurance products.
Yup! It's like that!
A very happy Scorpion Helmet winner with Rotary and Bikeshow peeps.
The brainchild of The Bike Show TV Shows Donovan Fourie and the team from Bikeshop Rivonia. It gave peeps a great excuse to get away from doing household chores – AND to do some good:
It was also for The Rotary Club of Brits/Hartbeespoort. They work a lot with local schools and animal charities. They build toilets in underprivileged schools, help schools for kids with special needs, raise a lot of money for the Hartbeespoort Animal Welfare Society and have done direct work towards vulture and other bird conservation in the area. They are also instrumental in the yearly “Dam Clean Up” where volunteers work around the dam cleaning up garbage and things. Internationally, Rotary was the driving force behind the eradication of polio.
The disease is now almost completely wiped out.
There was even a Blue Bull!
A Fireblade fanatic...
Bikeshop Rivonia who are famous for their amazing variety of pre-owned motorcycles and all sorts also used the event to showcase the new -ish CF Moto motorcycle lineup. They have taken on the brand and it will enjoy much prominence on their new, expanded showroom floor.
Suzuki SA loaned us the GSX 8-S for the run. It’s a great bike for everyday use – and for rides like this. The ride leader was on the CF Moto NK 800 from Bikeshop Rivonia.
It was very impressive to see how many happy, smiling faces arrived for the run – all the way from the shop out to the Airspan Airfield near Rustenburg, where even more riders from that part of the world joined in with the festivities. Entrants were treated to an old school Buffet breakfast, complete with Vienna sausages and then given the opportunity to take their bikes for a little run along the airstrip. A very happy Herman Deysel even had his number drawn to win a gorgeous Scorpion helmet that was donated to the Rotary cub.
There were some delectable machines along on the day... The Superveloce turned every head...
A massive success, it was a lekker ride and one helluva good day out in the saddle. Motorcycles, like minded peeps, good food and drink… is there actually anything better?