Suzuki GSXR

Which Bike? Riding Suzuki’s GSX1000 GX and R.

Would you like a Superbike or a sports tourer, Sir?

Good question. To answer that question, we got hold of the friendly guys at Suzuki SA. They have 1000cc versions both – and they are usually very accommodating when it comes to lending bikes out….

Think about it. For most, buying a bike these days is a real investment. Fact is – you don’t want to go to the expense and end up with something that you kinda like… but not really. And honestly- once the deal is done, it’s often quite difficult to ‘fess up to the fact that perhaps “That the other bike” might just have been a better choice.

Suzuki GSXR
Have a look at the seating position. Often the clincher.

Let’s face it – the Moto GP and superbike racers of this world are idolised – and many riders trying to emulate them would not be seen on anything but a superbike. Swing across to the other, (perhaps older) side of the coin – and most love the superbike feeling, but they would like a bit more comfort.

But there’s more!

You get superbikes like the GSXR1000 that are actually quite useful for day to day commuting – and then there are those that realistically can only be ridden for short squirts – usually around the race track.

“But!” we hear you say, “nothing beats the feeling and rush of a superbike!”

And we’d agree with you.  And besides all this – most superbikes are like supermodels and we are often blinded by the sheer beauty of the things.

Suzuki GSXR
Very little beats the feeling you get caning a sportsbike in anger.


“There are several factors to consider” as the clever oakes in our government say.

First and foremost is – what will you be using the bike for?

Are you a racer who will only spend time at the track?

Are you looking for a commuter to work and back and some fun times on the weekend?

Do you want to pop your nearest and dearest on the back and head out to see the world.

And then of course, there’s the off-road debate – adventure machines are huge business right now! 

Seriously, ask yourself those questions and answer honestly. 

Luckily our motorcycle manufacturers are a clever lot – and most of them build bikes – like the GSX-S that are a kind of compromise – Superbike performance, with real world comfort.

Suzuki GSXR
Modern sport tourers make a different kind of power to their "Pure" Sports siblings.


In search of edification (Howzaat?), we roped in the skills of two absolute social riders, popped them into the saddles of Suzuki’s GSXR sportbike and the  S and set them on their merry way.

It was a round trip of about 200 kilometres when they returned having swapped bikes and duked it all out as to which bike they would consider.

Suzuki GSX
Much, often heated debate about which bike you'd choose.

Garth Taylor: Getting off the GSXR. 

“Hands down, if I was to buy without a thought after riding these two, my money would have to be on the GSX-R. Man it’s so much fun and I need to comment that it’s not nearly as overly racey and uncomfortable as some of the other supes that I have ridden.”


Read the first bit – “…without a thought….”  Chatting a bit further down the road, you could see the gears clicking as he thought some more about it..

“The S is almost as fast. So smooth – how’s that electronic suspension? The quickshifter is faultless”… 

And you can see where the conversation was heading.

“Ya – maybe if I wanted to head out on a breakfast run with my Mrs, the S would be more comfortable than the R… but man the R just scratches that itch…so nicely”

And he is absolutely correct. Simply put, there is nothing quite like the adrenaline injection that you get from opening a superbike up – and it’s not only the engine – it’s the whole race feeling – the Brad Binder effect crouched over focussed and ready to go…

But – we’ll need to ask which rider would be happier after a trip all the way from GP to Long Toms Pass.

Cane it in anger... guaranteed grins.
Flippen fast but more upright...

The Fact is:

Most modern adventure bikes and sports tourers develop their power on a different curve to the most modern supes, making them less aggressive with more linear and predictable power and we know for sure that they are a great deal quicker than many of the previous gen superbikes out there.

The manufacturers make them like that. But they are more comfortable for the longer commute or trip.

But we’ll say it again. Very little beats the thrill of riding a supe at full cry. Nothing beats the feeling of railing it around a race track or giving it free reign on the open freeway as the world blurs past.

They are, quite simply, magnificent.

Take your time, ride as many bikes as you can. Tick the boxes that you need to – and then make your choice. There is a bike out there for everyone… 

And either of these is a great choice.

These bikes came from Suzuki SA.

Suzuki GSX
Ok lets swap...

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