MRSSA Round 1 Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit.

By Deon vdl.

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MRSSA Round 1
A MASS of riders taking turn 1.

The first round of the MRSSA kicked off with a real bang as they shared Kyalami with the SA Classic TT’s Round 2 race. It was pretty spectacular, you can check out the Classic TT story right here.

 Track day:

With 13 track riders out and about just to join in the fun of being able to ride the popular Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit. This class was not about racing, they were there to have some fun.

                                                Track Day Riders having some fun.

On the racing side throughout all the classes there were a total of 48 racers that took to the track.

Premier Class: In the Premier class it was Cristian Caravello who took pole position followed shortly by Jordan King and Muhammed Essop completing the top 3.

In Race 1, we were on the edge of our seats as Caravello and King put on a crazy display of true racing. One lap it was Caravello in front and then King was leading – chopping and changing throughout right up until the chequered flag dropped with Caravello’s crossing for the win only 0.078sec ahead of King with Muhammed Essop 3rd.

In Race 2, Caravello had a fast-constant pace just too much for King anad Cristian got his win and his perfect day. 

King still walked away with 2nd and Essop another 3rd.

Premier Overall Results:

1st #88 Cristian Caravello

2nd #110 Jordan King

3rd #92 Muhammed Essop

MRSSA Round 1
Premier Class winner #88 Cristian Caravello.
MRSSA Round 1
#110 Jordand King 2nd.
MRSSA Round 1
#92 Muhammad Essop 3rd. . boot repairs. patchinh riding pants. racing boot repairs.

Novice Class:

Watching the qualifying, it is pretty clear that most of these riders will not be in the Novice class for much longer. Mark Gaines was the fastest, Mohamed Kara second with Nkululeko Majola 0.199sec behind Kara.


In Race 1, Gaines had a fantastic run as he took the win. A lot of action happened behind him as Aadil Adams and Majola fought for second and third, Adam crossed the line in 2nd and Majola took 3rd.


Race 2, was a completely different race as Majola had what it took to outrun Gaines and Adams. Majola got 1st place, Adam 2nd and Gaines 3rd.

Novice Overall Results:

1st #02 Nkululeko Majola

2nd #24 Mark Gaines

3rd #13 Aadil Adams

MRSSA Round 1
#02 Nkululeko Majola winning the Novice class.
MRSSA Round 1
#24 Mark Gaines 2nd
MRSSA Round 1


Masters had Jaco Gous almost in a class of his own as he took pole position, Ryan Futter and Giuliano Smargiasso made up the top three.


In Race 1, Gous didn’t put a foot wrong and he took a well-deserved top stop. Futter got 2nd and Smargiasso 3rd.

Race 2, Gous dominated the day and walked away with his perfect.

Futter again took 2nd with Derek Jacobs 3rd.

Masters Overall Results:

1st #43 Jaco Gous

2nd #27 Ryan Futter

3rd #888 Derek Jacobs

MRSSA Round 1
A perfect Day for #43 Jaco Gous winning the Masters class.
MRSSA Round 1
#27 Ryan Futter 2nd spot.
MRSSA Round 1
#888 Derek Jacobs 3rd.

In the BOTTS qualifying round, the riders sped out of the pits and flew around the track with the top three finishing within 1.318sec of each other. Frans Fourie was fastest with Alan Huscher in second and Mick Landi third.

In Race 1, it was a great start for Hulscher who rode hard to take the 1st place spot, Leon Horn came in 2nd with Christo Reeders in 3rd.

In Race 2, there was no stopping Hulscher as he took two wins for the day. Landi kept his head in 2nd place with Horn 3rd.

BOTTS Overall Results:

1st #46 Alan Hulscher

2nd #45 Leon Horn

3rd #72 Mick Landi

MRSSA Round 1
#46 Alan Hulscher BOTTS winner.
MRSSA Round 1
#45 Leon Horn taking 2nd.
MRSSA Round 1
#72 Mick Landi 3rd

Super 1000 SBK 

Even from the start of qualifying, international star Steven Odendal laid down the gauntlet taking pole position next to Adolf Boshoff and Damian Purificati. 

In Race 1, Odendal, quite simply demolished his competitors. He had a very comfortable win. Purificati got over the line in 2nd with Themba Khumalo 3rd.

Race 2, and once again Odendal quickly left the pack behind and left the others to fight for the other steps. It was Boshoff’s turn to take 2nd with Purificati placed 3rd.

Super 1000 SBK Overall Results:

1st #4 Steven Odendal

2nd #88 Damion Purificati

3rd #32 Adolf Boshoff

MRSSA Round 1
#4 Steven Odendal's domination for 1st place.
MRSSA Round 1
#88 Damien Purificati 2nd.
MRSSA Round 1
#32 Adolf Boshoff 3rd spot.

Unlimited SB

#44 Tristan Mathews was the only one who entered this class, so it is safe to say he won it by a Kyalami mile.

MRSSA Round 1
#44 Tristan Mathews

Super 600 SBK.

In the Super 600 SBK class, the qualification round started a rivalry between two riders that led to a brilliant display of racing. Dino Iozzo took pole by only 0.476sec from Taigh Janse van Rensburg in second with Diego de Ponte filling the final front row slot.


In Race 1, had so many ups and downs. Iozzo and Janse van Rensburg were going at each other like maniacs when Jv Rensburg crashed out. The race had a restart without Iozzo and JvRensburg. Everything went well until another unfortunate incident saw Hunter Dreyer go down between turns 13 & 14, and another red flag that saw the end of race 1.


In Race 2, JvRensburg and Iozzo were back having the fight of their lives. 1st position changed hands between these two constantly throughout the race. Janse van Rensburg’s front wheel touched the line a mere 0.002sec before Iozzo crossed in 2nd and de Ponte took 3rd.


Super 600 SBK Overall Results:

1st #57 Diego de Ponte

2nd #171 Taigh Janse van Rensburg  

3rd #18 Hunter Dreyer

MRSSA Round 1
#57 Diego de Ponte 1st place.
MRSSA Round 1
#171 Taigh Janse van Rensburg 2nd.
MRSSA Round 1
#18 Hunter Dreyer 3rd

In the Sub 500 class, little Oratilwe Phiri started his streak as he qualified first, Jhandre Fourie came in second with Tyler Richardson filling the front row.


In Race 1, with all the drama happening in the 600’s ahead of Phiri, a bike failure saw Richardson retire early, Phiri kept his cool and took the win with Fourie in 2nd.

Race 2 saw Richardson’s bike all fixed up and ready to go and he was a kid on a mission taking 1st spot, Phiri in 2nd and Fourie 3rd.

Sub 500 Overall Results:

1st #26 Oratilwe Phiri

2nd #106 Jhandre Fourie

3rd #20 Tyler Richardson

MRSSA Round 1
#26 Oratilwe Phiri taking 1st place.
MRSSA Round 1
#106 Jhandre Fourie 2nd.
MRSSA Round 1
#20 Tyler Richardson 3rd.

Round 1 made for an epic day of racing. If this is what we can look forward to for the rounds to come, we have something special to look forward to this year. 

Seeing all the guys who have come up from the Short Circuit series is just so cool. SA’s racing future looks quite bright right now…

See all of you track side.

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